CSR+D - responsabilidade social

Despite the promotion of the notion of corporate social responsibility (CSR) as one of the key strategies for 21st-century enterprises and despite the existence of guidelines on CSR implementation (the International ISO
Infrared Space Observatory (ISO)
O observatório espacial de infravermelhos ISO foi uma missão da Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA) com a participação das agências espaciais do Japão (ISAS) e dos EUA (NASA). Lançado em Novembro de 1995, a sua missão científica decorreu até Maio de 1998. A sua contribuição para o nosso conhecimento do universo, em campos que vão desde o Sistema Solar até às galáxias mais distantes, foi extraordinária.
26 000 Standard; GRI [Global Reporting Initiative] indicators), the European labour market still needs to be much adapted to the requirements of changing societies in terms of disability. Although such guidelines provide a space for its incorporation into company management policies (they concern such themes as human rights, social development engagement and job creation), it is clearly visible that comprehensive activities areO observatório espacial de infravermelhos ISO foi uma missão da Agência Espacial Europeia (ESA) com a participação das agências espaciais do Japão (ISAS) e dos EUA (NASA). Lançado em Novembro de 1995, a sua missão científica decorreu até Maio de 1998. A sua contribuição para o nosso conhecimento do universo, em campos que vão desde o Sistema Solar até às galáxias mais distantes, foi extraordinária.
are (a)
O are (a) é uma unidade de área equivalente a cem metros quadrados: 1 a = 1 dam2 = 100 m2.
missing that would deploy CSR policies coupled with focus on disability.
O are (a) é uma unidade de área equivalente a cem metros quadrados: 1 a = 1 dam2 = 100 m2.
Analysis of annual CSR reports drafted by companies as well as broad experiences gained by our project consortium members show that companies concentrate mainly on activities regarded as classic CSR, e.g. taking care of the environment, treating the equality of persons with disabilities in the recruitment process and at workplace not seriously enough.
It should also be highlighted that CSR is still too frequently confused with philanthropy, which is particularly visible when attempts are made to include disability in CSR activities. The phenomenon is a legacy of the previous approach to persons with disabilities treated as recipients of charitable assistance and not employees involved in the company’s operations and generating its profits on an equal footing with others. Such an outlook on disability, still present in the corporate world, makes entrepreneurs keener to offer financial gifts as ad hoc assistance for the needy rather than to actively engage in the process of including persons with disabilities into their businesses as full-fledged staff members. Perpetuated also in the media, the status quo is a consequence of missing model scenarios and practical training materials showing how persons with disabilities should be made part of companies following the modern understanding of disability. It is our hope that the results of the “CSR plus the missing D” project will help change the status quo.
The main objective of the “CSR plus the missing D” project is the improvement of the competences of CSR managers, trainers and adult educators in the practical implementation of the notion of social engagement in the area of disability (CSR + D).
In the course of the project:
• we exchanged experiences in the implementation of CSR + D strategies in the partner countries,
• we have drafted and publish examples of good practice aimed as an inspiration for other enterprises keen to implement the notion of CSR+D,
• we develop recommendations for the business sector concerning the effective inclusion of disability in corporate CSR strategies,
Would you like to know more about CSR+D notion, be familiar with recommendations and become Manager of the Future - please visit project’s website:
Funded by the European Union